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Saturday, 21 January 2017

31 July 1944

Germany, Bad Nenndorf.

Arriving in Bad Nenndorf, at the railway station, the organisation is very good.  After such a long trip, it is nice to have someone take charge. 

I have ended up in hospital again, in Bechhofen, which is a tourist area.  It is not a real hospital but a large private house or hotel, requisitioned for the injured.  When the German military requisition a property, the previous residents have to move out.  The locals must go into the smaller houses because the Germans do not want those.

They are very organised, the Germans.  Their kitchen is especially well organised.  The food hall is centralised, producing very good food.  I now have nice food to eat, a dry bed to stretch out on and no guard duty.  It has been a long time since I had such comforts.

Walking out with a house mate, we went to see the local autobahn.   It is very impressive, I have never seen anything like it before.  We do not have anything to compare with an autobahn in Latvia.

Allied aeroplanes heading toward Hannover passed over me.  It wasn’t the sight of them that made me stop to watch but the noise.  A great roar of engines shook everything around me.  There were so many, the noise was terrifying.  I could feel the boom of engines in my chest, it vibrated my sternum.  The planes passed over in such great numbers, the sky turned black with them.   Later, I heard the bombs fall.  As those planes dropped their bombs before moving off, others flew over to take their place and drop even more.  It went on for a long time: I cannot imagine there being anything left of Hannover.  There cannot be any buildings left standing or anyone left alive.  I am very glad not to be in a hospital in Hannover.    

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